Reiki Sessions Photo credit: Nancy Zumpano Photography

Photo credit: Nancy Zumpano Photography
Pamela offers her Reiki Sessions often in collaboration with other modalities. She asks people to pay her what they can, or what they feel is a fair energetic exchange. Pamela works with both humans and animals. She is available for sessions by appointment.
For appointments of inquiries, please call 585.354.6844, email [email protected] or link to the contact form at
Reiki (Ray-Key) is a natural method of healing and balancing the life-force energy (also known as Chi, Prana, or Ki) present in all living things. Dr. Mikao Usui re-found this healing discipline in the early 1900s in Japan. He named it Reiki, which is Japanese for Universal Life Force or Life Energy. Treatment is performed fully clothing with the application of gentle touch or hovering hands. The practitioner becomes a channel through which this spiritually guided primal life energy flows. Reiki is empowered by love and treats the whole person, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki is complementary any medical treatment.
For appointments of inquiries, please call 585.354.6844, email [email protected] or link to the contact form at
Reiki (Ray-Key) is a natural method of healing and balancing the life-force energy (also known as Chi, Prana, or Ki) present in all living things. Dr. Mikao Usui re-found this healing discipline in the early 1900s in Japan. He named it Reiki, which is Japanese for Universal Life Force or Life Energy. Treatment is performed fully clothing with the application of gentle touch or hovering hands. The practitioner becomes a channel through which this spiritually guided primal life energy flows. Reiki is empowered by love and treats the whole person, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki is complementary any medical treatment.

Reiki promotes:
Balancing and harmonizing the body’s energy centers
Aligning of the chakras, aura and karma
Replenishing vital energy, and being uplifted
Stress reduction and relaxation
Reducing, relieving and shifting pain
Strengthening of the immune system
Releasing anger, fear and grief
Improved metabolism and detoxification
Security and well being
Creativity and optimism
Intuitive solution making for both major and minor issues
Increased levels of confidence
Higher states of consciousness including peace, joy, wonder, awe and love
An improved way of looking at life
Balancing and harmonizing the body’s energy centers
Aligning of the chakras, aura and karma
Replenishing vital energy, and being uplifted
Stress reduction and relaxation
Reducing, relieving and shifting pain
Strengthening of the immune system
Releasing anger, fear and grief
Improved metabolism and detoxification
Security and well being
Creativity and optimism
Intuitive solution making for both major and minor issues
Increased levels of confidence
Higher states of consciousness including peace, joy, wonder, awe and love
An improved way of looking at life

The word Reiki comes from two Japanese ideograms - Rei and Ki. The word ‘Rei’ can be interpreted as higher knowledge, spiritual source of the Universe, or God-Consciousness. The word ‘Ki’ represents life energy, vital or universal life force. Therefore, Reiki can be defined as spiritually guided life energy.
Ki is the energy that animates all living things. It is everywhere, in and around us. Most of the Ki within the body is affected by our thoughts and feelings. Through conscious positive thinking and healthy emotional exploration within ourselves, we strengthen our Ki, have more energy, enthusiasm, tend toward success and are less likely to get sick. When this life force is affected, consciously or unconsciously, by negativity in ourselves or others, our energy field is disrupted, diminishing energy, motivation and the function of all our internal systems. Thus if our life energy is low, or the flow of Ki is restricted, we are more vulnerable to illness.
Because Reiki is by nature a harmonic, it will polarize (i.e. take a wave pattern) and form a ‘mirror image’ of any disharmonious frequency within the energy blueprint. Reiki raises the vibratory level in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached.
This causes the negative energy to break apart into small particles, dissipate or fall away. Blocked energy can be lifted up to a higher vibration, melted away or burned up. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens, and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing healthy Ki to flow in a natural way. When a block is released, sometimes a cold or hot sensation will be experienced. In this way, disturbances are unlayered or peeled away, harmony and well being are restored, and the body’s natural ability to heal itself is accelerated.
Reiki is neutral in its origin. It is not a religion. It contains no doctrines or creeds, and is not religious in nature. No matter where a person may be at any point in their life, Reiki will harmonize and embrace their philosophical center point. The practice and receipt of Reiki can be used as a powerful tool for personal development and spiritual enlightenment.
Because Reiki is guided by God-Consciousness, it can never do harm.
It always knows what a living being needs and will adjust itself to create
an effect that is appropriate. One never need worry, it is always helpful.
Ki is the energy that animates all living things. It is everywhere, in and around us. Most of the Ki within the body is affected by our thoughts and feelings. Through conscious positive thinking and healthy emotional exploration within ourselves, we strengthen our Ki, have more energy, enthusiasm, tend toward success and are less likely to get sick. When this life force is affected, consciously or unconsciously, by negativity in ourselves or others, our energy field is disrupted, diminishing energy, motivation and the function of all our internal systems. Thus if our life energy is low, or the flow of Ki is restricted, we are more vulnerable to illness.
Because Reiki is by nature a harmonic, it will polarize (i.e. take a wave pattern) and form a ‘mirror image’ of any disharmonious frequency within the energy blueprint. Reiki raises the vibratory level in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached.
This causes the negative energy to break apart into small particles, dissipate or fall away. Blocked energy can be lifted up to a higher vibration, melted away or burned up. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens, and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing healthy Ki to flow in a natural way. When a block is released, sometimes a cold or hot sensation will be experienced. In this way, disturbances are unlayered or peeled away, harmony and well being are restored, and the body’s natural ability to heal itself is accelerated.
Reiki is neutral in its origin. It is not a religion. It contains no doctrines or creeds, and is not religious in nature. No matter where a person may be at any point in their life, Reiki will harmonize and embrace their philosophical center point. The practice and receipt of Reiki can be used as a powerful tool for personal development and spiritual enlightenment.
Because Reiki is guided by God-Consciousness, it can never do harm.
It always knows what a living being needs and will adjust itself to create
an effect that is appropriate. One never need worry, it is always helpful.

Reiki Principles:
Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today I will not worry.
Just for today I will not be angry.
Just for today I will do my work honestly.
Just for today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
Reiki, The Healing Touch, First Degree Manual by William Rand
Reiki, The Healing Touch, Second Degree Manual by William Rand
The Reiki Touch, Healing Yourself & Others, William Rand, 2005, Sounds True, Boulder, CO
Essential Reiki, by Diane Stein
Reiki Information Sheet, Hallie Sawyers
Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today I will not worry.
Just for today I will not be angry.
Just for today I will do my work honestly.
Just for today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
Reiki, The Healing Touch, First Degree Manual by William Rand
Reiki, The Healing Touch, Second Degree Manual by William Rand
The Reiki Touch, Healing Yourself & Others, William Rand, 2005, Sounds True, Boulder, CO
Essential Reiki, by Diane Stein
Reiki Information Sheet, Hallie Sawyers